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Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanning by Drone

Acquisition, Fusion, and Cleaning of Point Cloud Data

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Master the Techniques of Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanning: Simpler and More Effective

Join our comprehensive training program, combining theory with practice, aiming for mastery in 3D modeling derived from terrestrial scans and drone data. From the acquisition process to fusion, and through point cloud cleaning, our program guides you at each step before the final delivery. Acquire solid skills to expertly manipulate these technologies. This training will propel you towards excellence in the field of 3D modeling.

High Precision

Terrestrial 3D laser scanning by drone revolutionizes cartography by enabling rapid and precise acquisition of topographic data, thereby facilitating 3D modeling of hard-to-reach areas.

Optimized Data Collection by Drone

Thanks to terrestrial 3D laser scanning by drone, data collection is optimized, providing a comprehensive view of the terrain without the geographical limitations encountered by traditional methods, thus simplifying topographic surveys.

Unparalleled Efficiency Thanks to the Drone

The use of drones for terrestrial 3D laser scanning enhances the efficiency of surveillance missions by providing real-time data, enabling quick decision-making and precise intervention in complex environments.

Objectives of Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanning Training

Benefit from rapid deployment and time savings thanks to the flexibility of drones and mission automation.

Training objectives

The objective of the training is to convey both theoretical and practical knowledge aimed at mastering 3D modeling derived from terrestrial scanning and drone data, spanning from acquisition, fusion, to point cloud cleaning prior to delivery.

Pédagogical Objectives

"Understand the technology and be autonomous in the use of a 3D laser scanner, assimilate various theoretical methods of surveys with a laser scanner, master methods of assembly, visualization, and cleaning of point clouds before delivery, etc.

21-hour Training Program

Training Program

DAY 1:

Discovering the 3D Laser Scanner

Getting familiar with the equipment, its characteristics, limitations, and maintenance;
Handling the scanner;
General principles of 3D scanning (instrument positioning, target positioning, resolution choices);
Learning different methods for field surveys.

Acquiring Data with a 3D Laser Scanner

Setting up with or without targets;
Capturing point clouds in the field;
Pre-aligning positions on the tablet (depending on the equipment);
Exporting data.

DAY 2:

Visual or Target-Based Assembly

Automatic assembly after import;
Mastering advanced assembly parameters (sub-sampling percentage, number of iterations, maximum errors);
Automatically adding constraints;
Merging assemblies without a common target.

Advanced Cleaning, Segmentation, and Measurements

Cleaning before assembly;
Working with a Limit Box;
Sampling the point cloud;
Semi-automatically cleaning surfaces;
Taking measurements, distances from a point to an axis.

DAY 3:

Assembly with Drone Data from Photogrammetry

Importing data into the software.
Assembly method with and without targets.
Checking the quality of data assembly.
Cleaning and clipping the point cloud.
Exporting data and exchanging with other platforms.
Managing databases.

Interpreting a Point Cloud in Leica CloudWorx.

Tout public

Durée : 3 jour(s) (21 heures)

1.933,88 € HTVA
(2.340,00 € TTC)

Valeur chèques formations : 0,00 € TTC

Option(s) :


Aucun prérequis n'est requis, cependant, il est recommandé d'avoir une maîtrise pratique de l'utilisation de l'ordinateur.


Apporter un bloc-notes et un stylo. Tous les autres documents ou matériels nécessaires vous seront fournis sur place.

Prochaines formations

DU 29/05/2024 au 31/05/2024

Lieu de la formation

Aérodrome de Saint-Ghislain, rue des Marionville, 21, 7330, Saint-Ghislain, Blegique

Inclus :

  • LEICA RTC360 / BLK360
  • Suite logiciel LEICA Cyclone Register
  • Stations de calculs performantes
  • Goblet DroneMotion
  • Certificat de formation
  • Veste fluo
  • Syllabus papier
  • Support pendant 1 an après votre formation