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Photogrammetry and precision agriculture by drone

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Drone photogrammetry redefines precision and spatial analysis.

La formation en photogrammétrie et agriculture de précision offre une expertise cruciale pour optimiser les pratiques agricoles. En combinant la science de la cartographie aérienne et les technologies de pointe, les professionnels acquièrent les compétences nécessaires pour cartographier les champs avec précision et maximiser les rendements. Cette fusion de la technologie et de l'agriculture moderne ouvre de nouvelles voies vers une gestion plus efficiente des ressources et une agriculture durable.

Photogrammetry & Drone Agriculture.

Our drone training program combines the fundamentals of photogrammetry with specific applications in agriculture, providing participants with versatile expertise in these two rapidly expanding fields.

Master Agricultural Photogrammetry with Our Drone Training Program.

By combining the foundations of photogrammetry with modern agricultural techniques, our training enables future professionals to master the use of drones for precise mapping of farmlands, crop monitoring, and optimized resource management.

Accelerated Specialization: Drones in Agriculture and Photogrammetry.

With specific content focused on integrating drones into agricultural practices, our program equips participants with the skills needed to utilize drone photogrammetry as a strategic tool in decision-making and optimizing agricultural yields.

The objectives of the Photogrammetry & Cartography training.

Benefit from rapid deployment and time-saving through the flexibility of drones and mission automation.

Training objectives.

Mastering agricultural plot surveys using drones equipped with multispectral cameras and analyzing data through various indices (NDVI, water stress, etc.) during a small group training.

Educational objectives

Understand the radiometric and biological basics of vegetation indices, as well as the steps of remote sensing and characteristics of digital images. Deepen knowledge of various vegetation indices and their application in agricultural analysis.

21-hour training program

Training Program


Definition of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR); Stages of Remote Sensing; Characteristics of Digital Images (Raster); Spectral Signatures of Vegetation and Soils ... impacting plant biology.


NDVI Index; Water Stress Indices; Indices accounting for soil influence, Improved Indices; Other Indices (CCCI, ...).


Rolling Shutter versus Global Shutter; Micasense: Technical characteristics and associated advantages; Sequoia: Technical characteristics and associated advantages; Other Sensors; Flight Plan Calculation and Software Examples (UGCS-Pix4D Capture), with example output datasets for each sensor ([exercises]).


Examples. General approach to data processing; Processing data from a modified camera (X3): exo1, processing data from the Sequoia sensor: exo2; Post-processing with a GIS: exo3.

Tout public

Durée : 1 jour(s) (7 heures)

818,18 € HTVA
(990,00 € TTC)

Valeur chèques formations : 0,00 € TTC

Option(s) :


Être détenteur de l’attestation de formation pratique Open ou Spécifique.


Apporter un bloc-notes et un stylo. Tous les autres documents ou matériels nécessaires vous seront fournis sur place.

Prochaines formations

DU 26/06/2024 AU 28/06/2024

Lieu de la formation

Aérodrome de Saint-Ghislain,Rue des Marionville, 21, 7330 Saint-Ghislain, Belgique 

Pour les entreprises en groupes, on peut venir former directement sur place dans toutes la Blegique et plus. 

Inclus :

  • Certificat de formation
  • Veste fluo
  • Syllabus papier
  • Support pendant 1 an après votre formation