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Specific drone practice (all sectors) - short cycle

Specific practice in 5 days

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The specific practice (all sectors) - short cycle is:

Accelerate your journey towards the SPECIFIC drone license with our practical training focused on essential basics. Ideal for those with prior experience looking to quickly deepen their practical skills.

In addition to the fundamentals, we offer supplementary modules tailored to the MEDIA and BTP sectors, giving you an additional advantage for your future specialization.


The practical course (all sectors) - short cycle

An accelerated course to ensure you leave with the best possible foundations in piloting, personalized support, and endless possibilities for specialization.

Objectives of the training, all sectors - specific

Take advantage of rapid deployment and time-saving through the flexibility of drones and mission automation.


Training objectives

This training aims to provide participants with the knowledge and practical skills to autonomously pilot a civilian drone, while adhering to safety rules and regulations. Objectives include mastering equipment, planning and executing flights in various environments, as well as managing associated risks.

Objectifs pédagogique

Acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour piloter un drone civil en toute sécurité, en passant de la double commande à l'autonomie, tout en maîtrisant les procédures légales et opérationnelles pour voler dans des zones spécifiques.



35-hour (5-day) training

Training program


Piloting a civilian drone in dual command and then autonomously, as soon as the candidate's level allows them to master the machine safely.

Learning regulatory procedures and flight declarations to obtain flight authorizations from authorized organizations for flights in Dangerous, Regulated, or Prohibited drone fly zones.

Mastering the specifics of flights in urban areas, sensitive zones, Prohibited, Dangerous, or Regulated zones.

Controlling, adjusting, and maintaining aerial imaging equipment including drone, IMU sensors, flight controller, impact limiter (Parachute), and FTS cutoff.

Verifying the operation of GeoWarnings, GeoBarriers, and LowSpeed according to the planned workspace, with the aim of capturing aerial images in compliance with the law and the machine's user and maintenance manual.

Following different checklists (machine preparation, pre-takeoff, post-landing).

Verifying aeronautical information for the planned workspace and confirming feasibility.

Considering obstacles that may hinder operations and defining safety perimeters and exclusion zones for third parties.

Considering the possible implementation of protocols, depending on the mission objectives and the type of regulatory category considering the drone used and its payload as well as its class mention.

Confirming the operational volume (evolution volume and confinement volume, evolution surface, and confinement surface, "buffer" surfaces Risk SOL and Risk AIR).

Collecting Information Attestations from people in the area, and verifying the presence of all necessary and regulatory documents.

Implementing procedures to ensure safety and manage human, technical, and environmental risks and putting decisions into practice in the field.

Verifying that an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) has been developed, and possibly, that a Manager (ERM) or a Team (ERT) has been designated.

Mastering drone telepiloting, and knowing operational emergency procedures in abnormal conditions (in case of equipment failure or third-party intrusion into the fly zone) for OPEN and SPECIFIC categories STS-01/STS-02.

Conducting a debriefing and, if necessary, filling out the national CRESUS form.


Technical skills of smooth audiovisual capture including the quality of drone trajectories and associated complex camera movements in the context of a normal flight situation in Open Category and Specific STS-01/STS-02.

Skills related to flight mission preparation for Open and Specific Categories STS-01/STS-02 evaluated using a multiple-choice questionnaire. This exercise assesses the candidate's knowledge in preparing for a drone flight mission, from a regulatory and administrative point of view.

Skills required in preparing a drone and the workspace in Open and Specific Categories STS-01/STS-02.

Adjustment of the photographic sensor and drone settings required to perform audiovisual capture.

Capacity and knowledge to implement safety and emergency procedures in case of machine failure or third-party intrusion into the fly zone.

Ability to manage an event report and flight debriefing.

Expected results of the training:

Compliance with the law regarding the requirements applicable to Pilots who use unmanned aircraft operating in the European Community.

Tout publique

Durée : 5 jour(s) (35 heures)

2.230,00 € HTVA
(2.638,30 € TTC)

Valeur chèques formations : 0,00 € TTC

Option(s) :




Apporter un bloc-notes et un stylo. Tous les autres documents ou matériels nécessaires vous seront fournis sur place.

  • Drone d’école en double commande
  • Drone racer 
  • DJI Phantom 4 pro
  • Drones quadcoptères
  • Drones équipés prise de vue
  • Station de montage


Prochaines formations

DU 03/06/2024 AU 07/06/2024

Lieu de la formation

Aérodrome de Saint-Ghislain, Rue des Marionville, 21, 7330, Saint-Ghislain, Belgique

Pour les entreprises en groupes, on peut venir former directement sur place dans toutes la Blegique et plus. 

Inclus :

  • Veste fluo
  • Syllabus papier
  • Support de cours
  • (sous réserve de réussite du test) l'attestation de suivi de formation pratique
  • Livret de progression
  • Support professionnelle pendant 1 an après votre formation