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Drone Aerial Videography

Creating a Video Clip, Aerial Filming, Aerial Shots

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Professional Training in Drone Image Capture for Audiovisual Clips

Master the creation of a video clip using drone footage within the context of audiovisual filming. Capture aerial images with the expertise of a professional and obtain both the footage and a demo reel.

Benefit from a small group experience for optimal immersion. Explore diverse training locations specially selected to enhance your learning.

Documentaries and Reports by Drone

Capturing images of natural areas and wildlife for your reports becomes more accessible with drones.

Explore the world through the eyes of a drone

Captivating aerial videography by drone offers a striking aerial perspective, revealing breathtaking landscapes and unique angles that transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Produce images for films

As soon as we gain altitude, perception is transformed, and everything is enhanced. Aerial shots are becoming increasingly important in audiovisual production and provide real added value to your films.

Objectives of the Audiovisual Training

Benefit from rapid deployment and time savings thanks to the flexibility of drones and mission automation.

Objectifs formation


La spécialisation « réalisation audiovisuelle » a pour objectif d'être rapidement opérationnel au cadrage aérien à l'aide d'un drone multirotors pour la télévision et la production audiovisuelle, et d’aborder le montage vidéo et la post-production.

Pédagogical Objectives

Master all the possibilities of aerial filming with multirotor drones, understand the regulatory constraints of the activity. Know how to prepare an aerial filming mission with a drone using a scenario S3. Be able to conduct a cinematographic analysis, shoot and edit aerial footage with a multicopter drone, and handle post-production processing, etc.

21-hour Training Program

The Training Program


The organization and preparation of the mission are the initial steps, involving consideration of aerial filming constraints, thorough analysis in the classroom, and management of meteorological and logistical constraints on the field. A checklist is established, including mandatory documents and on-site reconnaissance.

The process continues with adjusting the drone in filming configuration, covering required codecs and formats. Before filming, training is conducted, focusing on fluidity and different types of aerial shots, followed by camera movement sequences.

Flight planning precedes the careful selection of images based on storytelling, accompanied by an introduction to film language. Footage editing follows, with efficient transfer to a USB drive.

The final phase involves virtual editing of a clip on an Adobe Premiere editing station, emphasizing editing refinement and final project export. This comprehensive process ensures a meticulous execution of the aerial filming mission, from initial planning to final product creation.


For advanced training, we expand our scope by exploring different locations and putting acquired skills into practice. Aerial filming techniques with a civil drone in vehicle tracking are explored during outdoor missions, whether it's a castle, an industrial site, or an estate. Key camera movements and trajectories are taught to efficiently capture aerial and ground footage.

To further refine your skills, we broaden our scope by exploring additional sites and putting acquired techniques into practice. This approach across different locations will allow you to hone your expertise in aerial filming, both in vehicle tracking and in capturing aerial and ground footage.

Tout public

Durée : 4 jour(s) (28 heures)

1.834,71 € HTVA
(2.220,00 € TTC)

Valeur chèques formations : 0,00 € TTC

Option(s) :


Être détenteur de l’attestation de formation pratique Open ou Spécifique.


Apporter un bloc-notes et un stylo. Tous les autres documents ou matériels nécessaires vous seront fournis sur place.

Prochaines formations

DU 29/01/2024 AU 01/02/2024

DU 26/03/2024 AU 29/03/2024

DU 27/05/2024 AU 30/05/2024

Pour les entreprises en groupes, on peut ouvrir une session à votre meilleur convenance.

Lieu de la formation

Aérodrome de Saint-Ghislain,Rue des Marionville, 21, 7330 Saint-Ghislain, Belgique 

Pour les entreprises en groupes, on peut venir former directement sur place dans toutes la Blegique et plus. 

Inclus :

  • Certificat de formation
  • Veste fluo
  • Syllabus papier
  • Support pendant 1 an après votre formation
  • Support de cours