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Specialization - SORA / PDRA Training

Learn how to conduct your SORA and PDRA

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Make moss removal and drone spraying simpler and more efficient.

The SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) is a method for assessing risks specific to drone operations, while the PDRA (Preliminary Risk Assessment) is a preliminary assessment conducted before a specific drone operation. Both are crucial for ensuring the safety of drone operations by identifying potential risks and implementing appropriate preventive measures to ensure the safety of people and property.

The SORA: Detailed Risk Analysis for Drone Operations

The SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) offers a detailed approach to evaluating risks specific to drone operations. By analyzing variables such as environment, weather conditions, and technology used, it enables operators to understand and manage potential risks proactively.

The PDRA: Preliminary Risk Assessment for Drone Missions

The PDRA (Preliminary Risk Assessment) complements the SORA by providing a preliminary risk assessment before each drone mission. This rapid assessment allows operators to make informed decisions and implement appropriate security measures to ensure mission success.

Holistic Approach: Integrating SORA and PDRA for Comprehensive Risk Management

By combining the SORA and PDRA, drone operators can adopt a holistic approach to risk management. This integrated approach ensures a comprehensive risk assessment at every stage of the operation, thereby ensuring the safety of people, property, and the environment during drone missions.

Training Objectives for SORA and PDRA

Benefit from rapid deployment and time savings through the flexibility of the drone and mission automation.

Training Objectives


Understanding the fundamentals of SORA, identifying risk factors in drone operations, assessing and mitigating specific risks, as well as the ability to draft compliant authorization request documents.

Educational Objectives

Educational objectives include mastering drone operational safety concepts, applying risk assessment methods, understanding regulations, scenario analysis, enhancing communication skills, and promoting a proactive safety culture.

A 35-hour training course.

The training program

Module 1: Introduction to drone regulations

Presentation of European and national regulations applicable to drones; Definition of standard flight scenarios and non-standard conditions; Introduction to SORA and PDRA concepts.

Module 2: Risk assessment

Risk assessment methodology for drone operations; Identification of hazards and associated GROUND & AIR risks for non-standard flight scenarios; Analysis of consequences and likelihood of risks; Definition of acceptable risk levels.

Module 3: Risk mitigation measures

Risk reduction techniques for drone operations; Implementation of risk mitigation measures specific to non-standard flight conditions; Definition of emergency procedures.

Module 4: SORA/PDRA File

Preparation of the SORA/PDRA file; Writing the Standard Operating Manual (SOM), definition of Special Operating Conditions (SOC), drafting the Risk Prevention Plan (RPP).

Module 5: Submission of the file and follow-up

Procedure for submitting the SORA/PDRA file to the competent authorities, file follow-up, and communication with authorities (METEOR).

Tout public

Durée : 5 jour(s) (35 heures)

1.900,83 € HTVA
(2.300,00 € TTC)

Valeur chèques formations : 0,00 € TTC

Option(s) :




Aucun matériel n'est nécessaire, tout les documents, powerpoint et autre vous seront fourni.

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  • Support de cours
  • Support professionnelle pendant 1 an après votre formation