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Drone Flight Mastery

Strengthen Your Flying Techniques in Real Conditions at Outdoor Sites

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Advanced Training in Drone Piloting and Aerial Photography

This comprehensive training offers a deep immersion into drone piloting and aerial photography techniques, with particular attention to emergency procedures and vehicle tracking. Participants gain versatile expertise, ready to tackle the diverse and demanding challenges of the aerial imaging industry.

Intensive Training in Drone Piloting and Mission Management

This training covers mission planning, management of meteorological and logistical constraints, as well as flights in normal and abnormal conditions, including emergency landings, to enhance piloting skills.

Advanced Learning of Aerial Photography with Civil Drones

Participants refine their skills in aerial photography techniques with a civil drone, including tracking moving vehicles and camera movements, to acquire advanced expertise in this field.

Training in Flight Emergency Procedures

Participants will refine their drone piloting and aerial photography skills, with a focus on emergency landings and vehicle tracking.

Objectives of Aerial Photography Training

Take advantage of rapid deployment and time savings thanks to the flexibility of the drone and mission automation.

Training Objectives


Consolidate drone piloting skills in real conditions at privatized outdoor sites.

Educational Objectives

Acquire additional flight hours to successfully pass the exams for qualifying courses resulting from the initial training, while exploring various techniques of aerial observation and photography with a multirotor drone.

21-hour Training Program

The Training Program


Organization and mission preparation: Constraints of aerial photography activity, analysis and mission preparation at the center, meteorological and logistical constraints on the field, checklist implementation, mandatory documents, site survey.
Flight in normal and abnormal conditions.
Emergency landing training.
Advanced piloting techniques for aerial inspection or observation.


Aerial photography techniques using a civilian drone, mobile vehicle tracking.
Essential movements of onboard cameras and trajectories.

Professionnel des médias ou de la communication, tout publics

Durée : 2 jour(s) (14 heures)

1.066,12 € HTVA
(1.290,00 € TTC)

Valeur chèques formations : 0,00 € TTC

Option(s) :


Être détenteur de l’attestation de formation pratique Open ou Spécifique.

  • Drone DJI Inspire
  • Drone racer
  • DJI Phantom 4 pro


Apporter un bloc-notes et un stylo. Tous les autres documents ou matériels nécessaires vous seront fournis sur place.

Prochaines formations

Lieu de la formation

Aérodrome de Saint-Ghislain,Rue des Marionville, 21, 7330 Saint-Ghislain, Belgique 

Pour les entreprises en groupes, on peut venir former directement sur place dans toutes la Blegique et plus. 

Inclus :

  • Certificat de formation
  • Veste fluo
  • Syllabus papier
  • Support pendant 1 an après votre formation
  • Support de cours